Our PDF417 Barcode Generator allows you to create barcodes with up to 1,850 alphanumeric characters, downloadable in PDF, PNG, SVG, or JPG formats. Learn about ideal barcode sizes and how checksums work, and discover their versatile use cases for industries like logistics, retail, and identification.
What Is the Ideal Size for a PDF 417 Barcode Generator?

The ideal size of a PDF417 barcode depends on the amount of data being encoded, the scanning environment, and the space constraints of your product or document. While no fixed dimensions apply universally, a typical size for many applications ranges from 2 to 3 inches wide and 1 to 1.5 inches tall. However, the exact size should be customised based on the module size, data capacity, and printing resolution.
The name “Portable Data File” refers to the barcode’s ability to encode large amounts of data in a portable format. PDF417 barcodes also offer high data capacity, built-in error correction, compact two-dimensional design, and flexibility for various industries.
For accurate scanning:
Module size (the smallest bars and spaces): Keep the module size at least 0.254 mm (10 mils) wide.
Aspect ratio (width to height): Aim for an aspect ratio between 1:3 to 1:5, adjusted to fit space constraints while maintaining readability.
Testing: Always test the barcode under real-world conditions to ensure it is compatible with your scanners and meets your operational requirements.
The quality of the printed barcode is equally important. Factors like contrast, alignment, and printing resolution play a key role in ensuring scannability. To achieve consistent results, design your barcode according to ISO/IEC 15438 standards, which govern the implementation of PDF417 barcodes across industries.
How To Use Our Free PDF 417 Barcode Generator?

Using our free PDF417 barcode generator is quick and easy. Simply input your desired data, click “Generate PDF417 Barcode,” and download the generated barcode.
The barcode is instantly created and available in various formats such as PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG, making it convenient for digital or print use. Perfect for professional and commercial applications, our generator ensures high-quality outputs ready for immediate integration.
How is the Checksum Calculated for PDF 417 Barcode Generator?

PDF 417 barcodes use error correction codes based on Reed-Solomon algorithms to ensure data integrity and scannability. The checksum is an essential part of the error correction process and is calculated as follows:
Steps to Calculate the Checksum:
Data Encoding into Codewords:
The input data (text, binary, or numeric) is segmented into “codewords.”
A codeword is a unit of encoded data, each represented by a number between 0 and 928.
Determine the Number of Error Correction Codewords:
Based on the desired error correction level, select the number of error correction codewords.
The PDF417 standard allows between 2 and 512 error correction codewords, depending on the level of error resilience required.
Apply Reed–Solomon Algorithm:
Use the Reed–Solomon error correction algorithm to compute the error correction codewords.
The algorithm generates additional codewords that are appended to the data codewords.
These error correction codewords ensure the data can be recovered even if parts of the barcode are damaged.
Polynomial Representation:
Represent the data codewords as coefficients in a polynomial over a Galois field (GF(929)).
Add error correction codewords by computing the remainder of the polynomial division using a generator polynomial specific to the error correction level.
Construct the Final Barcode Data:
Combine the data codewords and error correction codewords into a single sequence.
The error correction codewords are appended at the end of the data codewords.
Optional CRC Checksum (for Macro PDF417):
If using Macro PDF417, calculate a 16-bit CRC checksum over the entire input data file.
Use a standard CRC algorithm (e.g., CRC-16-CCITT) to compute the checksum.
Include the checksum value in a designated field of the Macro PDF417 barcode.
Barcode Layout:
Arrange the codewords into rows and columns to form the barcode.
Each row includes a start and stop pattern, data codewords, and error correction codewords.
Rendering the Barcode:
Generate the barcode graphic with the specified size, resolution, and format.
Ensure that the barcode adheres to the PDF417 standard for scanner compatibility.
Let’s look at an example to understand this better:
Let’s say the first 11 digits of the UPC-A composite code are HELLO123
Step 1: Convert Data to Codewords
Input data: “HELLO123”
Each character is encoded into a numeric value based on the PDF417 encoding table:
H = 72
E = 69
L = 76
L = 76
O = 79
1 = 49
2 = 50
3 = 51
Data codewords: [72, 69, 76, 76, 79, 49, 50, 51]
Step 2: Select Error Correction Level
Choose the desired error correction level. For this example, let’s use Level 3, which corresponds to 8 error correction codewords.
Step 3: Apply Reed–Solomon Error Correction
Create a Polynomial:
Represent the data codewords as coefficients of a polynomial: P(x) = 72x^7 + 69x^6 + 76x^5 + 76x^4 + 79x^3 + 49x^2 + 50x^1 + 51
Divide by Generator Polynomial:
Use a predefined generator polynomial for error correction level 3 (from the PDF417 standard).
Compute the remainder of the division. This remainder is the set of error correction codewords.
Resulting Error Correction Codewords:
After performing the calculations, the error correction codewords might be: [13, 25, 58, 37, 99, 72, 17, 4].
Step 4: Construct Final Data
Combine the data and error correction codewords: [72, 69, 76, 76, 79, 49, 50, 51, 13, 25, 58, 37, 99, 72, 17, 4]
Step 5: Arrange Data in Rows and Columns
The combined codewords are arranged in a matrix of rows and columns.
For example, if the barcode has 3 rows:
Row 1: [72, 69, 76]
Row 2: [76, 79, 49]
Row 3: [50, 51, 13, 25, 58, 37, 99, 72, 17, 4]
Step 6: Optional CRC Checksum (for Macro PDF417)
If using Macro PDF417, calculate the CRC-16 checksum for “HELLO123”.
Example result: CRC = 0x3F2B (hexadecimal).
Step 7: Render the Barcode
Use a barcode generator to create a PDF417 barcode with the final sequence [72, 69, 76, 76, 79, 49, 50, 51, 13, 25, 58, 37, 99, 72, 17, 4].
The barcode graphic is ready for scanning.
Benefits of the Checksum:
The checksum enhances the barcode’s reliability, enabling accurate data recovery even in less-than-ideal scanning conditions. This feature makes PDF417 barcodes a dependable choice for secure and critical applications like identification cards, shipping labels, and government documents.
What is the Character Limit of Your PDF 417 Barcode Generator?

The character limit of a PDF417 barcode depends on the data type and encoding parameters. Theoretically, it can encode up to 1,850 alphanumeric characters or 2,710 numeric digits.
However, practical considerations often reduce this capacity to ensure optimal readability and scanner compatibility. For most applications, it is recommended to limit the barcode to 800 characters or fewer and restrict the number of columns to 20 or less.
The actual capacity also depends on the error correction level, as higher levels reduce the available space for data while improving reliability. Additionally, the type of data—numeric, alphanumeric, or binary—affects the encoding efficiency, with numeric data offering the highest density.
By balancing these factors, PDF417 barcodes provide a robust solution for applications requiring high data capacity, including identification documents, transport tickets, and inventory tracking. Always test barcodes with your scanning equipment to ensure performance.
Which Barcode Scanners are Compatible With PDF 417 Barcode
PDF417 barcodes are compatible with a wide range of 2D barcode scanners due to their ability to read the stacked, high-density symbology of PDF417. These scanners utilise advanced imaging technology to capture and decode the multi-row structure of the barcode efficiently.
Laser-based scanners are generally not compatible with PDF417 as they are designed for linear barcodes and cannot interpret the two-dimensional nature of PDF417. Instead, camera-based scanners, also known as area imagers, are ideal. These scanners capture the entire barcode as an image and then decode it using built-in software, making them suitable for PDF417’s complex format.
Mobile device cameras with scanning apps can also read PDF417 barcodes if the app supports 2D symbologies. This makes them versatile for applications in retail, logistics, and identification.
PDF417 compatibility depends on the scanner’s resolution and decoding capabilities. Scanners designed for high-density barcodes provide better accuracy and performance, even for large or damaged PDF417 symbols.
Is there a Scan Limit to the PDF 417 Barcode Generator Generated Using your Online Barcode Generator?
There is no scan limit for the PDF417 barcode generated using an online barcode generator. Once created, it can be scanned unlimited times, provided it is printed or displayed clearly and meets quality standards. This ensures reliable performance across compatible scanning devices.
Do You Have Other Barcode Generators?
Yes, we offer a variety of other barcode generators. In addition to the PDF417 barcode, you can generate QR code, Code 128, Code 39, EAN-13, ITF, Data Matrix, and GS1 Databar. We also provide tools for specialised barcodes like UPC, Aztec code, and Maxicode.
All our online barcode generators are free to use, allowing you to customise and download barcode images for various applications, including retail, inventory management, and logistics.